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Showing posts from March, 2020

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Tugas 1

What Will You Do Next 5 Years ? By calling on the name of the most generous and most famous god. I dont't know what i will do in the next 5 years. I believe the past is black and white, the future is grey, and today is colorful. Maybe my plan for the future is to become a whole person, have lots of money and lots of friends. I hope i can do great things in this world, even if it doesn't materialize it won't be a problem for my life. The most important thing in my life is that i remain who i am, better than i was before. I let everything go as it should, what i will achieve in the next 5 years then i will fight and try my best. hopefully in the next 5 years i read this again and writed what i have achieved and done. Good luck, lots of money, happy and long life for everyone.